Monday 26 August 2013

Let's Start Something Special

Let's start today off with something I've always wanted to do.

I've always told myself that I should start a blog. But not 

because I really want to. It's because I should.

I post way too much random crap on Facebook and it's gotten to the point where it's beginning to bother the unlucky souls tagged in my posts and myself. Here you'll find everything that I find interesting but mostly design stuff (photos, projects, assignments, sketches, OOTD, artsyfartsy things) I create that I want to share with the world. 

Here's a quote I just made up (like 30 seconds ago). 

To learn is to fail. 

In order to learn something new, you must first fail at said new thing. Failure holds back everyone and prevents the cultivation of new ideas, skills and perspectives. 

To not fail = playing it safe. 

So this is it for my luke-warm "Welcome". I'm currently putting my portfolio site together and I've been sitting here for the last 12 hours (why does Wix have to be so glitchy?!?). I promise I'll have a warmer welcome/more exciting post very soon! 

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